302 – Battalion Commander, Hannibal the One-Eyed

“R-run for it! It’s too strong, way too strong! Why’s there a monster like that in this forest?!”
“B-but, if we run without gathering information, Tolman-sama will kill us…”
“Is this the time to be saying that!? Can you still say that while looking at it!? Have you gone mad with fear?! That’s no ordinary dragon!”

The cavalry scatter one after the other… At this rate, fighting will become meaningless.

I turn my gaze to the depression in the ground that was used to be captain Hown. Mixed with pieces of flesh and blood, a single arm falls to the ground. A short distance away, a bloodstained metal staff that was blasted away by the impact rolls through the forest.

Finding it difficult to look at, I turn my gaze downwards. Immediately, I spot cavalry moving against the flow, charging towards me. It’s not a single cavalryman… There’s six, no, seven. They pass a man riding a fleeing horse, who falls from his horse with blood gushing from a wound.

“Fufun, what an idiot. Trying to flee without fulfilling Hannibal-sama’s order!”

One of them says with a backward glance at the collapsed man… Is he sane?

The oncoming cavalry slip past arrows shot by the Lithovars. An arrow grazes a cheek, but the man just licks the bleeding wound and laughs fearlessly.

Trampling over corpses, they take the shortest route to me. It’s not to my extent, but they’re fast. I guess I should have checked the horse’s statuses too.

I fire three [Wind Slashes] towards them. Two of them are hit, but the third dodges at the last second then continues to charge at me without slowing down.


Black light coils around one of them. It’s my partner’s [Death]. He instantly falls limply from his horse.

【522 experience points have been acquired.】
【Due to the Title Skill [Walking Egg: Lv -], an additional 522 experience points have been acquired.】
【The level of [Ouroboros] has risen from 88 to 89.】

The remaining four come in reach of my arm.

“Do it now!”

One shouts, and the surviving men throw their swords at me then hold their hands up high. I ignore the swords, not evading them. The swords leave scratch marks in my skin, then fall to the ground.

“[Poison]!” “[Paralyse]!”

The cavalrymen shout in unison, and my front is wrapped in purple and yellow mist. It quickly rises and obscures my vision. A smokescreen!

I swing my arm downwards to where I expect them to be. With a whoosh, the poison cloud parts. Just as I realise I missed, the cavalrymen leap out of the cloud to either side, turning their back on me.

“Gehoh, gehoh! Shit, I breathed in a bit! It’s horrible!”
“Get away from it!”

I’m about to attack, but then feel something’s off… These guys, was their objective really to throw their weapons and run? Indeed, it might have been shallow but they did make a wound, so poison mist is entering and making my body a little numb, but this degree of status condition isn’t a hindrance at all.

After the four flee the poison cloud, a single jet black horse cuts through the mist towards me. The horse has one eye gouged out, and is covered in old scars. It’s only the horse, no rider.

I swing my claws up, gouging the horse’s chest. A bright red line traces from the its chest to its head, then it tumbles forwards from the momentum of its charge while spurting blood.

【124 experience points have been acquired.】
【Due to the Title Skill [Walking Egg: Lv -], an additional 124 experience points have been acquired.】

Just the horse…? Where’s the rider…? Before I can find the answer, I suddenly sense a presence above my head.

“[Power]! [Power]! And [Power]!”

It’s a voice I remember. It belongs to the battalion leader, Hannibal.

“This is my strongest blow!”

With spear in hand and a contorted body, I see the figure of the one-eyed Hannibal. His huge spear stabs into my forehead. A sharp pain runs through my head.

He had his subordinates create a smokescreen of poison mist, then thinned his presence with [Soft Steps] and separated from his horse with [Great Jump] to strike my head. What a crazy guy.


“And again, another blow!”

Using the recoil of his spear thrust, he turns his body and slams his fist into the end of the spear. The spear digs in deeper and blue blood spurts from my head.

“That’s our boss!” “He did it!”
“The boss really is our unit’s strongest!”
“Fuhahaha fools! Now Hannibal-sama of the [Starved Hunters’] seventh unit has…”

I swing my jaw down towards the falling Hannibal.

“Wha-! Th-this…”

He twists his body to receive my chin with his shoulder. The sensation of his bones breaking is transmitted to me through my jaw.

“Gaah…. AAaaAaah!! AAaaaaaah!!”

Hannibal screams with his mouth open wide. Just as he hits the ground, my partner slams her chin into his body to shove him into the ground. With a splat, I hear the sound of him being crushed.

【234 experience points have been acquired.】
【Due to the Title Skill [Walking Egg: Lv -], an additional 234 experience points have been acquired.】

I scrape my head against a nearby boulder, dislodging the spear from my forehead. It gouges flesh as it snaps out, the fragments dancing through the air.

Partner… Sorry, please heal me.


She cries, and my vision is bathed in a light that seeps into my forehead. The wound closes in an instant.

I turn my eyes to the four of Hannibal’s direct subordinates who withdrew after scattering the [Poison Mist]. As they watch me, their laughing faces are replaced by pallid expressions.

“B, b, bosss!”

One of them stops their horse and starts to head back to me.

“C-come back! Boss is already dead!”

Their horses pick up speed as they run away. I look around.

Already, the eighty cavalrymen have disappeared. All that remains is a mountain of corpses. It looks like most of them ran away.

【Title Skill [Calamity] has risen from level 8 to 9.】

…It keeps increasing. I already made my resolve though. It might be better if I don’t evolve next time since I have this.

301 | TOC | 303

22 thoughts on “302 – Battalion Commander, Hannibal the One-Eyed”

  1. Lvl 89/120 huh? Seems like we are getting closer. Depending on how fight heavy the next action against the army is we might get the next evolution in the next 50+ or so chapter. No need to rush though, currently starting to get warmed up to the whole partner story thingy and who knows how she gets treated in an evolution. Also there doesnt seem to be some kind of urgency on the horizon which desperatly needs an quality increase.

    Thanks for the chapter, really enjoy the story once more now that it has become frequently updated in the last few months.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. He’s goona max out the evil stats, and get some weird evo routs when he hits the lvl cap. Probably going to have to wait and max out the hero title and have high lvl divine before anything “safe” shows up as a choice.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. can’t wait for his next evolution,what i’m really curious about is what would happen to his partner and why he would even evolve in the first place(since he said he doesn’t really want to evolve), i wonder if an event or a fight that requires him to evolve will happen?(just like with his fight with hero irushia)

    Liked by 2 people

  4. If I am being honest, I hate that any violent action towards a human seems to give him bad titles, like for instance this time he should have gotten nothing since it was all self defence. It isn’t like he attacked a village of innocent people.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. I also agree there should’ve been a bit more to it like For instance the persons thinking or mind would influence the skills this is just a Bit lazy no? It’s only from one point of view but hey at the same time it’s also really simple in away but if it was then all killing would’ve been associated with it…seems like this god or system thinks well of humans (then again I could just be spouting nonsense lol)

      Liked by 1 person

    2. It seems the system is human-centric, especially when it comes to title skills. A dragon that can decimate armies is a calamity, even if he only does it for good reasons.

      Liked by 4 people

  5. While I don’t think title of evil is a bad title. I think it is either unique to people with the God traits or that it only goes up with perception of one’s actions as evil. Since irushnia has leveled it up tricking ants and throwing a turtle off a cliff. While calamity I believe is killing civilization or masses of creatures since it also happened with the ant colony.

    Liked by 4 people

  6. Lmao, the evil titles increase regardless. So the mc can’t kill evil people? The system is very weird. It should have increased when he destroyed ants and abyss too. by far more.


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