301 – Captain of the Magic Attack Unit, Hown of Flames

“C-captain Hannibal! The dragon is far stronger than we thought! We should retreat for now!”

A subordinate of captain Barres, who was tumbling by my feet, shouts to the one-eyed man, spit flying from his mouth.

“You lot… Captain Barres, is it? His habit of being scared has passed on it seems! It’s been a while since I’ve been able to put in full effort! So burn this sight into your memories!”

The one-eyed man replies… Or rather, he practically gives a speech to everyone. It looks like the one-eyed man is the boss of the eighty here.

At a glance… It looks he was putting on a show for his unit of about eight. Captain Barres was also leading seven subordinates. Probably, each unit is made of eight people. And the leader of the battalion holds together the ten units.

Just in case, I want to check captain Hannibal’s status. I’d like to have an idea of the strength of their top class.

[Hannibal Greythers]
Species: Earth Huma
Condition: Normal
Lv: 39/60
HP: 262/262
MP: 72/72
Attack: 241+60
Defence: 184+55
Magic: 65
Speed: 143

Hand: [Mithril Greatspear: B]
Body: [Mithril Breastplate: B]

Characteristic Skills:
[Grisha Language: Lv6] [Spear User Talent: Lv6] [Soft Steps: Lv5] [Fighting Instinct: Lv4] [Morale Boost: Lv2]

Resistance Skills:
[Physical Resistance: Lv3] [Magic Resistance: Lv2] [Poison Resistance: Lv4] [Paralysis Resistance: Lv3]

Normal Skills:
[Shockwave: Lv3] [Surprise Attack: Lv5] [Power: Lv2] [Poison: Lv6] [Great Jump: Lv3]

Title Skills:
[Former Leader of the Grey Bandits: Lv-] [Starved Hunters Battalion Commander: Lv-] [Spear King: Lv4]


…His equipment is more or less high-quality, but without them he’s about the same as Adofu. After all, Adofu was at the limit for normal humans. If he’s only this strong, then there’s no problem. The only thing that worries me now is how much they can cooperate.

It’ll take time to kill them all one-by-one. Should I crush captain Hannibal, then threaten the rest so I can quickly get away from this place?

“Nearby even numbered units, thoroughly surround the dragon! The units in the back should act to restrain it! Odd numbered units, protect the magic attack unit! As the foremost unit of the seventy, my unit shall command both forces while looking for an opening to deal a decisive blow!”

“Hah!” “Understood!” “We’ll crush it flashily!”

With captain Hannibal’s order, they all move in unison. Cavalry move to surround me.


I bend my neck to look straight down, then call out to the nearby Lithovars. I hope they understand…

“P-probably, we’re being asked to stand down!”

Baron interprets well. I nod my head.

“The idiots are lumped together! You lot! Burn them all! Hihihaah!”

A mounted man in the back shouts to his surroundings, then raises a metal staff towards me.

“[Fire Spirit Enchantment]! Orah! Keep it up!”

My surroundings are bathed in a red light.

“[Spread Fire]!”
“[Flame]!” “[Grim Burner]!”

The cavalry in the back brandish their staffs. Red light bursts in the direction they point, various forms of flames erupting from the tips of their staffs. One of them throws a fireball, another produces a flamethrower… Though their forms differ, it’s clear they intend to burn the Lithovars and myself to death.

I raise my head up high, gathering all the magic power I can muster into my belly. I then whip my head forwards, spitting out the magic power in one go. It’s the [Scorching Breath] skill.

The flames that I breathe out instantly swallow the oncoming smaller flames. I swivel my neck around the area.

“Guwaah!” “What, what happened?! A misfire!”
“Get back up! If you lose sight of your captain, get away!”

The flames I breathe burn the surroundings. A burning horse screams as it shakes off its rider, then flees from the area. In an instant, the surroundings have become pandemonium.

The highest a huma’s magic can reach is about 200. In exchange, as an ouroboros, my magic power has just passed the 1000 mark. My defence is also over 500. The magic attack of humas is nothing to worry about.

【1203 experience points have been acquired.】
【Due to the Title Skill [Walking Egg: Lv -], an additional 1203 experience points have been acquired.】
【The level of [Ouroboros] has risen from 87 to 88.】
【Title Skill [Calamity] has risen from level 7 to 8.】

One breath does this much…? It’s good experience point efficiency. Though saying that, I’m not particularly enthusiastic about it. At this rate, by the time this is over, all my bad title skills will have hit their max.

“Hi, hihi… Th-this… This isn’t how….”

The man who was calling to use fire magic earlier stands dumbfounded. While the other cavalry are trying to escape, one man stands. He was thrown off his fleeing horse and let go of his staff as it was sent flying from his grip.

“Captian Hown! Let’s fall back for now!”

A cavalryman rushes over and extends a hand to him.

…That man’s also a captain? In order to make them break as quickly as possible, I should prioritise taking out the leaders.


While being careful of the Lithovars by my feet, I step forwards, kicking aside the cavalry in my way. With a single blow, I break their swords and shatter their bodies.

I slam my tail into the ground to scatter earth, reducing the avaiable footing for horses while also extinguishing the still-burning flames. At the same time, I flap my wings to shoot six [Wind Slashes] to various places, including towards captain Hown.

The blades of wind create cracks in the ground, shockwaves blasting out from where they impact. The horse that gets caught in it collapses, and the rider falls to the ground before desperately trying to scramble away from me. The sound of screams and the loud braying of horses fill the area.

【588 experience points have been acquired.】
【Due to the Title Skill [Walking Egg: Lv -], an additional 588 experience points have been acquired.】

The cloud of sand is blown away by the wind. The ground where I shot the six [Wind Slashes] is split open, leaving only dents in the ground, blood, and pieces of flesh.

300 | TOC | 302

20 thoughts on “301 – Captain of the Magic Attack Unit, Hown of Flames”

  1. Man I’m so glad Irushia isn’t too reserved to kill the invaders. Don’t get me wrong I’d much rather him get along with people and raise his benevolent title skills, but being only powerful without actually enforcing your power will lead to people like those not taking you seriously and exploiting your kindness. You didn’t have a choice, so deal them a crushing defeat that they will never forget!

    Liked by 5 people

  2. Thanks for the chapter

    Its worrisome than at the end of this battle, the negative stat will increase greatly, ironically when irushia are actually protecting the lithovar

    Liked by 4 people

  3. Great job with the chapter, thank you!
    I hope Irusha was able to kill the leaders and not like “they escaped in the dust” right now LOL

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thanks for the chapter, sucks that his evil is on the rise cuz I was rooting for his hero title to increase but watching people take advantage of his kindness or doing something against what cares for is an obvious clapback of retribution. I wonder where this leads to and wonder where hibi body was left at

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Thank you for the chapter. ^^
    Evil skills and titles don’t matter. It only opens evil evolution paths, and do not prevents good evolution paths.

    Liked by 4 people

  6. It would be interesting if the hero and villain titles went up at the same time.

    Hard to see these guys being worse than the abyss nest&queen. I thing they do have a high level guy iirc.

    I wonder if hibi goes the Aro route? I suspect no, but would be interesting

    Liked by 1 person

  7. It’s about time Irusha realizes he’s pretty damn strong. He’s finally noticing normal humans can’t even scratch him. I hope he properly obliterates the entire group. Maybe spare one or two in order to extract information from them. Considering the opponents thought his fire breath was a misfire of their fire attack they cam in thinking he was going to be a weak friendly dumb ass abyss eating dragon god that used to live their. Not sparing or letting any excape will keep his real idenity from being leaked and the rest of the army being able to prepare properly the actual terror that he is.


  8. This is what happens when the Raid Boss (Irushia) can understand what you’re saying and is targeting your best units and leaders first.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Yeah, in the beginning of Raid: shadow legends, this happens too during the dragon raid and it’s hilarious
      You elven Archer character says: “I just have to get one hit in its weak spot..”
      And in response the dragon just straight up attacks during your turn and eats the archer

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Thank you for the chapter. This novel has become very interesting since there is politics, and I love it all the more. I am very grateful to you for translating it. ^^

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Protecting the human village from a monster threat is considered heroic by the skill system, but protecting the same human village from a human threat gives evil skills.
    Are the lives of the violent, greedy, and selfish raiders worth so much more than the lives of the villagers that killing them cancels out the act of heroism? Even if he let the raiders go, it would definitely still give him villain skills for failing to save the villagers… seems a bit unfair.


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