518 – In the Shadow of Battle (side: treant)

Volk-dono straddles lecherta-dono, and they fly up to meet Lilixira’s vanguard. Together with Aro-dono and atlach-nacha-dono, my role is to intercept those who draw close to the ground. Last time, I was left behind in the mine, but this time I will surely live up to master-dono’s expectations, avenge left-head master-dono, and protect Aro-dono and atlach-nacha-dono.

The reason I was able to evolve into my current form was most likely because of my desire to protect my comrades. If I don’t fight effectively here, there’s no point. I am lacking in strength and speed, but my ability to take a hit is greater than Aro-dono’s and atlach-nacha-dono’s.


Aro-dono calls out to me. I twist around and nod. I understand, Aro-dono. I will draw all their attacks to me. The time to show the power of a [Tyrant Guardian] is finally here.

“Please use [Physical Barrier]! For atlach-nacha too! Quickly, they’re almost here!”

『Ah… That’s right.』

…It would be best if I could cover everything, but there are many enemies. It’s better to fight with some leeway.

“Once you’re done, hide behind me! Dragon-god-sama said that in your tree spirit form, you’re not as tough or strong!”


『Aro-dono… I was about to return to my original form…』

Aro-dono opens her mouth in surprise and vigorously shakes her head.

“N-no! You’ll get surrounded right away!”

“…In that stupidly big form, you can’t dodge their attacks.”

Atlach-nacha-dono pitches in, tilting her mask towards me.

『But, but, I am the toughest of all of us…!』

“The difference isn’t that large. In the first place, Volk is tougher than you.”

……Is that so? I hadn’t realised.

I look up. The dragon riders number about twenty… Certainly, if four of them were to attack me together, it might be too much.

『……Well, okay. B-but, then, what should I do?』

“Umm… C-can you use magic in that form?”

Aro-dono nervously asks.

『Yes, I think I can. But [Earth Tremor] and [Heat Ray] might be a bit difficult…』

“Then, please heal atlach-nacha as she needs it, and shoot magic with me!”

『……Okay, I understand.』

I’d like to push myself a little harder, but… N-no, the fact that I’m not able to can’t be helped.

I cast [Physical Barrier] on Aro-dono and atlach-nacha-dono. Their resistance to physical attacks should be temporarily raised now. Once the effect begins to weaken, I’ll cast it again… To be honest, that might be the most I can do.

I flap my small wings to float in the air behind Aro-dono. Aro looks back at me and does a double take.

『Is something the matter, Aro-dono?』

“Sorry, treant. It’s distracting, so please stay on the ground…” 

『M-my apologies.』

As I land on the ground, I see Volk-dono cutting through a pair of dragons far above. The battle has finally begun. About ten of the dragon riders are closing in on us. Aro-dono casts magic into the sky.


A violent windstorm appears and flies upwards. But, the dragons are fast and the sky gives them multiple avenues of escape, so aiming it seems difficult. The dragons split apart, neatly dodging the tornado.

『How vexing… It might be best if I draw them a bit closer.』

“Now I know how fast they are. If it’s just that much, then I can deal with it. The fenrirs were faster.”

Aro-dono declares without the slightest sign of worry. As expected of Aro-dono, how strong…

“Until they get close enough, I’ll keep them in check with [Gale]! Treant and atlach-nacha, aim for them as they get disorganised!”


Following me, atlach-nacha-dono nods her head. With these numbers, we’ll be at a disadvantage if they surround us. It’s preferable to fight at a medium distance to wear them out.


Aro-dono produces another tornado. I shoot out a [Clay Sphere], and atlach-nacha-dono shoots out a [Dark Sphere] to attack the dragon riders as they scatter from the tornado… Unfortunately, my [Clay Sphere] doesn’t hit. But, atlach-nacha-dono’s [Dark Sphere] hits one of the dragons’ chests in a spray of blood, causing it to then spiral towards the ground.

G-great, this should be enough to steadily reduce their numbers.

“According to Saint-sama, their ranks range from upper B to lower A! Don’t rush it! Fight slowly and deliberately! Don’t try the impossible, and if it gets dangerous fall back! Fight with an aim to win a battle of attrition!”

One of the dragon riders, a fat man, calls out to his allies.

It’s a plan to exhaust our mana. However, that strategy probably favours us. If they stay above to try and drain our mana, then Volk-dono will be able to take them out. As long as we can reduce their numbers a little, we can focus only on the ones that draw close to keep our mana consumption low. Once their numbers are reduced enough, I can release my [Tree Spiritisation] and rampage…!

“I didn’t think I would meet you at the edge of the world like this, legendary swordsman, [Ascetic]! As a fellow swordsman, I challenge you to a duel! But, this place has too many hindrances. If you accept my challenge, then follow!”

Looking up, I see Volk-dono flying away from us. A short moment later, a dragon carrying two soldiers flies after him.

『V-V-Volk-dono! That’s not the plan…!』

While we fought from the ground, Volk-dono was to fight from the sky to deny them a terrain advantage. The one who proposed that strategy was none other than Volk-dono himself. I had thought he wasn’t the sort to recklessly discard his own plan…

“D-did something happen…?”

Aro-dono anxiously looks at Volk-dono’s back as he flies away. Another dragon, faster than the rest, flies down nest to the fat man.

“He will be left to Howgrey-dono. I will resume command here.”

“Hah! Understood, Alexio-sama!”

Atop the dragon is a blond-haired, blue-eyed man.

“He was fighting on equal terms with Volk-san until just now…”

Aro murmurs.

『O-on equal terms with that Volk-dono!?』

It’s unbelievable… Even without the other soldiers, that man could probably fight us by himself.

“If we take our time too much, the evil dragon might come. I will take the vanguard, charge together!”

Alexio readies his sword and looks down at us.

517 | TOC | 519

12 thoughts on “518 – In the Shadow of Battle (side: treant)”

    1. I feel like treant is getting bullied by people who don’t really recognize his strengths. He’s super good at buffs and debuffs, something the others just aren’t. It’s kinda silly how they let ignore his strengths and force him to fight in a weird fashion that he’s not used to.

      Liked by 4 people

    2. why you all gotta be killing off treant watch him out live us all I’m more worried about alta dying since she has hit the final evoulution. Plus knowing treant he’ll probably rampage and accidently fall roll and squash an army by accident.

      Liked by 4 people

  1. Lol. They don’t know hos strong Treant’s Statue skill is. Even Iru in his Ouroboros form has difficulty scratching the Ogres with that skill. She just needs to take root in the soil, cast statue and be Aro’s mana supply. Atlach can also use Treant’s big form as a defense pillar to block enemies’ visions and attach her web from their blind spot. While rooting, any enemies that gets in the range should be dragged down with Gravity (of course needs to warn Aro and Atlach first, but that is the convenience of telepathy). The only thing about Treant is she has many useful skills, but don’t know how to properly use them, just like their master, Iru.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. They’re really weighing down,being deadbeat, and obstructing Treants full potential. Because of his previous… Disposition and actions, people now have less trust in him and are willing to just not let.. him, her? It. Not let it fight fully. It must’ve matured enough now that it’s fully utilizing all of its telepathy skill. We know the Treant could already think and act in a logical and comprehensible manner before he evolved, that means it in a situation desperate enough that warrants actually going full force(for the Treant). If you just have trust in it and let it let loose, then you could have a massive advantage with all of its skills ,(Buff,debuff,healing(?),magic,gravity magic, physical prowess, or just straight up jumping,) he has so many useful skills and abilities, that if they teach it how to properly wield and utilize them it’ll most likely be as tenacious and unstoppable as the Atlach-Nacha. It’ll probably even have the most kill out of all of them in this battle if they had taught him correctly. Such a waste of talent. Almost as much of a waste as the Protags persistence on keeping his moral compass in a world that’s designed for insane people, like flat earthers.

    Anyways, thanks for the chapter


  3. Treat could totally be used better although it’s levels are not up to snuff due to the low power leveling. I’m thinking it will revert to true form to help turn this battle (They may not have noticed it). Hopefully he? survives.

    To prep for battle both Iru and aro should have gone nuts with the undead. They could totally have a fenrir army by now

    Side Ana (Atlach-Nacha) next I hope.

    Liked by 4 people

  4. “but my ability to take a hit is great than Aro-dono’s” -> “but my ability to take a hit is greater than Aro-dono’s”


  5. I feel like part of the reason Treant isn’t as tough as he should be is because they never or very rarely let him train as a tank. Like, you gain resistance and skills through repetition and enlightenment. Irushia’s been acting as the vanguard far more than Treant and doesn’t really give Treant enough opportunities to adapt to the role-even though that’s what his species description says he’s supposed to be capable of doing. Yeah, I know he’s a little cowardly in some cases, but, never when rubber meets the road.


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