511 – Fly King and Dragon King

I glare at the distant Saint.

Very well… If that’s how you want to do things, I’ll make you regret it. She’s still far away, but if I can hit her, it’ll do good damage. It’s worth it to try.

I lift my foreleg up high, then slash it down towards Lilixira. Through [Dimension Claw], my claw attack ignores the distance. The space warps, and my claw cuts deep through her shoulder, chest, and legs.


Her arm flies off, and blood spurts from her body. The green dragon she’s riding is also cut deeply. It writhes in pain, throwing Lilixira from its back and to the ground.

N-no way…? I hit her too easily. I didn’t think it would be this easy. I stare in shock, unable to believe what I’m seeing.

【390 experience points have been acquired.】
【Due to the title skill [Walking Egg: Lv -], an additional 390 experience points have been acquired.】

God’s Voice announces my experience points reward. Finally, I realise. It’s far too little experience to be Lilixira.

I-it’s wrong! That was just a fake, someone who looked like her!

I feel a tingling sensation on my skin as the nearby mana moves strangely. Still thinking about the fake Lilixira, my response is delayed.

A bright white light suddenly cuts across my vision, and I feel a burning heat. A bundle of lightning has enveloped my body, burning my skin black.

I recognise this sensation. It’s the [Lightning Strike] skill that I’ve been hit by once before… The one who used it on me was the [Diabolos] who is my father in this world, Dragon King Eldia.

I spot a huge shadow crawling across the ground. It has a dazzling body surface and four giant wings.

…That figure is unmistakably that of the Dragon King Eldia. The same Eldia who hated humans so much, is now following Lilixira, the representative of humankind.

I wonder why for a moment, but then immediately come to the answer. Lilixira chose Eldia to fill her second [Spirit Servant] slot.

Species: Diabolos
Condition: Spirit
Lv: 130/130 (locked)
HP: 1697/1697
MP: 1284/1316

Monsters as powerful as Eldia aren’t common. His attack power exceeds even that of Beelzebub, the Magic Beast King of this era.

I try using [Telepathy], but there’s no response. In contrast to Beelzebub’s free chatter, it seems that Eldia’s will is, or rather it looks like his entire personality has been erased. There might be some kind of limitation placed on his mind to prevent him from striking back at Lilixira.

…I see, so Lilixira went to collect Eldia. When we fought against him together, it seemed like she intentionally threw away an opportunity to finish him off. I had been thinking that was to prevent me from levelling up, but that might not have been all. She might have already been set on using him as a [Spirit Servant] at that time, and had been planning on returning to collect him in secret.

…I had hoped Eldia could forget about things like destiny and live peacefully, away from any big battles. But instead he got wrapped up, and his power has ended up being used by Lilixira. He probably regrets this a great deal, too.

All I can do now is release him from Lilixira’s [Spirit Servant].

Eldia turns his soulless eyes towards me, then kicks off the ground and spreads his wings. I thought for sure he’d use his speciality [Dragoflare], but it looks like he’s aiming for close combat. It seems Lilixira really is set on finishing this in a single clash. Nothing else seems possible.

“Don’t forget about me!”

As Eldia approaches from the ground, Beelzebub closes in from the sky. They’re trying to pincer me. It seems their plan was to distract me with a fake Lilixira, hit me with Eldia’s [Lightning Strike] to earn some damage, and then close in with a pincer attack while I’m still stunned.

“[Darkness Rain]!”

Beelzebub spreads his wings wide. A huge magic circle deploys behind him, and sheets of purple light lash down. He’s using a wide range skill to secure reliable damage. That’s Lilixira’s plan, no doubt.

I think. Do I dodge, block, or counter attack one of them?

The zephyr-riding Holy Knights also closing in, but they shouldn’t be able to do much damage. Their priority is low. I took a blast of Eldia’s [Lightning Strike], but the damage isn’t fatal.

Species: Oneiros
Condition: Normal
Lv: 105/150
HP: 3849/4261
MP: 4172/4394

Even ignoring healing, I could take ten hits like that and survive. Back when I was ouroboros, getting it twice would have been fatal.

『Sorry, Eldia! I don’t have room to hesitate!』

I ignore Beelzebub and dive down towards Eldia. The purple lights of [Darkness Rain] pelt my back, piercing through my skin and gouging out flesh. It’s a low-power wide-range magic, and Beelzebub’s magic stat is lower than his attack stat.

Even so, the damage isn’t negligible… But it’s a necessary cost. Once I’m surrounded, I’ve no choice but to fight while prepared to take some damage. What’s crucial now is cutting down their strength.

510 | TOC | 512

13 thoughts on “511 – Fly King and Dragon King”

  1. That was unexpected,I thought we would get to see some conversations between them,And how will Howgrey damage Irushia if these big skill only does low damage.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. I think lilixia knows she can threaten the companions since Iru is a softie. That’s what Howgrey and the knights are for. I wonder where the green girl is?

    Liked by 3 people

    1. *Damn, it cut me short…

      Really got Irushia that time, there just wasn’t enough damage to kill him. But this time around, Irushia is really going to fight alone against all that?…
      Yaknow, we know everything will go alright at the end, but… Hm… Anxiety is real…

      Liked by 2 people

  3. It actually portrays really well how Lilixira is the one who can die at any moment over a single mistake and Irushia is more like a big boss

    Liked by 1 person

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